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Zygo People

Zygo People

1 Job

4 Employees

About the Company

We help businesses that use AI and/or Blockchain technology scale their Tech, Sales and Marketing teams.

With over 7 years experience of partnering with businesses from pre-seed to enterprise grow their teams we've tried and tested multiple strategies to know what works so you don't have to.

Why you might be interested in working with Zygo:

- 100% success rate on roles over the last 12 months with offers typically going out in 19 working days. A recent hire was offered in 7 working days.

- D&I certified helping organisations improve their diversity by an average of 27% over the last 12 months.

- Reduced cost-per-hire by an average of £2,300 (purely on invoice fees)

- Candidates have an average tenure of 27 months in post.

- DISC certified (behaviour profiling) helping match candidates to your culture.

You'll have a choice of three services depending on your needs:

- Single Hire: For when you have a critical role that needs additional attention

- Recruitment on Demand (RoD): For when you need the benefits of a talent team on tap, but not the commitment.

- Zygo-as-a-Service (ZaaS): For when you need a comprehensive Solution for multiple hires

Want to know more, here is how you can reach out:

- Drop us (or Leigh Tobenas) a DM.
- Email
- Book a 15-minute chat here: