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9 Employees

About the Company

More than a billion people depend on coral reefs.
However, 90% of these ecosystems could disappear by 2050 due to climate change and the unreasonable use of marine space for professional and recreational purposes.

The strength of Reef Pulse, an impact-based company, is based on three expertises: it combines the temporal coverage of Passive Acoustic Monitoring (#PAM), the analytical power of Artificial Intelligence (#AI) and knowledge of the ecology of coral reefs in order to ensure their monitoring and restoration.

The first step in our approach consists of deploying hydrophones around coral reefs in order to record ambient underwater sounds.
Reef Pulse now has a long-term database (several years of recording) characterizing the soundscape (acoustic landscape) of coral reefs in three oceans.

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Secondly, we analyze this acoustic data with AI algorithms dedicated to the detection of underwater sounds of interest for the assessment of the ecological state of coral reefs.

At the end of this process, we provide a summary report of the acoustic indices and their interpretation in relation to the state of health of the sites monitored and we issue recommendations regarding measures likely to improve the state of health of degraded reefs. In addition, we provide access to a dynamic platform for data visualisation so that our clients can dive deeper in the analysis made by our summary report.
Our decision support tool thus makes it possible to optimize the management of coral reefs within the framework of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14, which consists of conserving and sustainably exploiting the oceans, seas, and marine resources.

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