Senior Software Engineer Scientific Engine (Python) - CDI
On site
Paris, France
Full Time
Job Specifications
Descartes was born out of the conviction that the ever-increasing complexity of risks faced by corporations, governments and vulnerable communities calls for a renewed approach in insurance. Our team brings together industry veterans from the most renowned institutions (AXA, SCOR, Swiss Re, Marsh, Aon, ...) and scientists on top of their field to bring underwriting excellence. After 5 years of existence, Descartes has secured a leading position in parametric insurance for weather and climate-related risks utilizing machine learning, real-time monitoring from satellite imagery & IoT. After a successful Series B raise of $120M USD, we launched Descartes Insurance, a 'full stack' insurer licensed to underwrite risk by the French regulator ACPR. With a growing corporate client base (350+ and counting), our diverse team is headquartered in Paris and operates out of our 13 global offices in North America, Europe, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan. Descartes is trusted by a panel of A-rated (re)insurers to carry out its activities.
Due to our consistent growth, we are seeking to expand our Data, Software and DevOps team. We are searching for a Senior Software Engineer to mentor 1 to 2 Software Engineers. As a Senior, you will oversee:
The python scientific engine of a business use case
The processes to make each individual software engineer excel at their work
Contribute directly on the code base either individually, in pairs or more
Organize REX sessions to share the knowledge received with the rest of the team
Ensure compliance to internal standards and practices
Present the progress and goals
Contribute to the technical roadmap through architecture meetings, design documents
Coach your collaborators to consistently deliver according to their roadmap
Provide expertise to help your team:
Develop, optimize and update software for:
=> Calculation of risk models
=> Data collection, preparation and visualization
=> Export of outputs adapted to users
=> Testing and validation of existing solutions
=> Monitoring of contracts and associated data
Support, test and correct the tools of:
=> Continuous development and continuous integration (CD/CI)
=> Data storage
=> Version management of scrips, codes, languages and computer systems
=> Modularization and containerization of IT solutions
=> Connection to external and internal API’s
To participate in:
=> The assessment and definition of user needs
=> Modeling the risks of underlying contracts
=> The choice of technical solutions
=> Discussions with IT partners
=> Improving the skills of your technical staff
=> Managing the access and rights of users of internal tools
Cloud provider: GCP
Code versioning tool: Git + Gitlab
OS: Windows
Code base: Python
[Management skills]
Coaching or mentoring experience;
Scoping and identifying solutions with business team;
Handling human interactions between tech and business;
Excellent communication skills, in both formal and informal settings, and in English and French.
[Hard skills]
3 years or more of experiences as a software engineer or data scientist;
Solid knowledge in Python;
Solid engineering background:
master in computer science, mathematics, physics or earth science.
Experience optimizing and profiling python code;
Experience in a microservices architecture;
Good knowledge with Docker;
Solid knowledge of production development workflow (code reviews, fast forward git policy, TDD);
Fluent in English and in French.
Strong interest with climate issue (it’s not a hoax, many people suffer from it)
Being comfortable to work alongside corporate insurers (some still wear suits )
You enjoy CI/CD automation (or at least appreciate the elegance of a well-crafted pipeline)
Willingness to help junior developers (remember how you were when you started )
Strong team spirit and ability to work (you’ll have to review code and have your code reviewed)
Rigorous, creative and meticulous mind (we handle large insurance, we take our time)
Strong desire to learn (there’s no limitation to the tech used, we’re happy to test and learn new tools)
Eagerness to work in a multi-cultural environment (policies and teams are from all around the world )
Opportunity to work and learn with teams from the most prestigious schools and research labs in the world, allowing you to progress towards technical excellence;
Commitment from Descartes to its staff of continued learning and development (think annual seminars, training etc.);
Work in a collaborative & professional environment;
Be part of an international team, passionate about diversity;
Join a company with a true purpose – help us help our clients be more resilient towards climate risks;
A competitive salary, bonus and benefits;
You can benefit from a punctual home office days.
At Descartes Underwriting, we cherish value of diversity whatever it may be. We are committed to fighting against all forms of discrimination and for equal opportunities. We foster an inclusive work environment that respects all differences.
With equal skills, all our positions are open to people with disabilities.
Step 1: Call and HR Interview with our Talent Recruiter
Step 2: Technical project submitted via GitHub
Step 3: Technical interview
Step 4: Manager interview
Step 5: Final round interview with the team
(Candidates can opt to have the manager interview before the technical project and interview)
About the Company
Founded in 2019 to address the insurability of risks worsened by climate change, Descartes' mission is to help close the protection gap - the difference between insured and uninsured risk - and build resilience against emerging risks for businesses and governments. Descartes is a global corporate insurer working exclusively with brokers to protect their corporate and public sector clients against climate, cyber and other emerging risks. At the forefront of AI and data analysis, Descartes utilizes cutting-edge technology co... Know more
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